
Renita and Norman Harber (center); Matt (left) and Lauren (right) and spouses Katie and Jon; Grandkids: Richie, Kari Beth, Emmett (left) and Ellie, Grant and Darcy (right)

Renita and Norman Harber (center); Matt (left) and Lauren (right) and spouses Katie and Jon; Grandkids: Richie, Kari Beth, Emmett (left) and Ellie, Grant and Darcy (right)

I would be remiss if I didn't honor the wonderful woman who made it all possible.

First, she carried and raised me—the quintessential problem child—to be God-fearing, scripture-savvy and art-loving. Second, she encouraged me as an entrepreneur, gave me the initial project that turned into CTR, and essentially ran my business for me while I was in college. (I hope telemarketers have finally stopped calling her.) Third, beside her faithful husband, she modeled the kind of woman I would later look for, marry, and raise a family with, all while I kept her values and instruction close at heart. 

There's no one quite like a mom, and I love mine. I rise up and call her "blessed." 
I dedicate this project to Renita Lanning Harber. (Nana, we love you to the moon and back!)