About History Packs
The History Packs is the long-awaited reworking of the original 2003 product—over 600 illustrations of every historical chapter and story in the Bible!
How it all began
In 2001, Brian’s mother Renita saw a need for visual aids to accompany her existing curriculum. She asked Brian to draw “a few stick figures” for her in MS Paint, saying, “I think this is something you’ll enjoy”—and judging by the the next two years, she was right.
Brian followed along with the curriculum of the Broadmoor church until 2003, at which point Renita helped him finish and publish his product at the Florida College Lectures publishing tent. Years later, she would continue processing orders for him while he was there at college!
Not only did Renita enable Brian’s 2003 release, but she has also long encouraged his desire to relaunch his core product with vector artwork. We are thrilled to unveil its beginning now.
Original product: “Master CD” (300)
In 2003, CTR published 300 pixelated images and one side release, the 24-image Story Set (comparable to the 17 Time Periods). Over time, Brian saw it bless many classrooms and bring the text to vibrant life for Bible students both local and across the world. However, its quality shortcomings were very clear, and since that year he’s hoped to revamp the product from scratch.
Not only was the original release only 300 images, but there were unintentional story gaps due to the release schedule, meaning several stories in the divided kingdom and in Jesus’ life were never drawn. Also, the quality of the original images varied from year to year as a younger Brian’s craft developed, calling for an overhaul in quality and consistency.
Future releases of CTR’s illustrations would guarantee a substantial increase in quality, coverage and accessibility ...
A summary product: “Review Pack” (100)
After a relaunch in 2016, CTR took the first step toward replacing the old Master product. The 100-image Review Pack offered an overview of the Bible with a shortened but affordable version of the original release. This time, the quality skyrocketed immediately, thanks to vector artwork.
Vector illustrations (mathematical points instead of pixels) make shrinking and enlarging illustrations possible without losing any of the quality or creating any blurriness or pixelation. (Think of printing a CTR image as large as a life-size bulletin board—such an attention-grabbing and memorable tool for a child!)
The Review Pack offers 100 historical illustrations of Bible stories, divided into five easy sections, as well as matching coloring pages, isolated clipart and images for slides to enrich presentations. It was well-received, and still stands as an excellent overview approach for young minds—but it didn’t fulfill the scope of the original. There is still much more to cover ...
New main product: “History Packs” (600+)
As the digital age’s demands have grown, CTR has kept up, and now the 17-year hope of reimagining a comprehensive illustration product is finally happening. This year CTR takes the largest step yet toward replacing and improving the 2003 product!
The History Packs are a comprehensive approach to every story in every historical chapter in the Bible. These packs will specialize in covering obscure or lesser-known stories, which provides an exhaustive teaching tool for every lesson and inspires additional reading about yet-unknown stories!
History Pack 1: “Adam & Noah” is the first of 20 packs to be released over time. (Each pack contains around 30 illustrations, eventually totaling 600 illustrations after the final release down the road.) Pack 1 contains 31 illustrations, from before creation to the Tower of Babel, offering unique visuals such as three genealogy lines and a map of the post-Flood migration!
Main files download (upon purchase):
Single card PDFs
4-up cards PDFs
Extras (Dropbox only, shared after purchase):
Coloring page PDFs
Card JPGs
Clipart PDFs (art only, no text)
Clipart JPGs (art only, no text)
How many History Packs?
The History Packs are split into at least 20 releases to deliver the most stories possible, but in smaller, affordable packs published as soon as they are available. The packs will be released as follows, with roughly 30 images each (est. 600 total):
Adam & Noah
Abraham & Isaac
Jacob & Joseph
Moses: The Exodus
Moses: Law at Sinai
Moses: Wandering
Job & Ruth
Solomon, Rehoboam & Jeroboam
Divided Kings Pt. 1
Divided Kings Pt. 2
Daniel, Esther & Ezekiel
Ezra, Nehemiah & Zerubbabel
Jesus: Youth & First Year
Jesus: Second & Third Year
Jesus: Last Week, Death & Resurrection
Peter & The Apostles
Paul’s Missionary Journeys
Notice each pack’s title refers to people, not events—emphasizing the very real nature of the Bible stories. Similarly, every card’s title is an action sentence—pointing to characters’ active participation in God’s story. Whenever possible, the action is God’s—indicating His primary role and guidance in every story of the Bible.
The new icon
The History Packs icon draws from the original 2003 logo. While it was a bit complicated, it still captured the broader story and parallels of the Old and New Testaments. In contrast, the new CTR brand defers to simplicity and a subtle reference (a star) to God’s eternal plan.
2003 CTR logo
Current CTR logo
Still, CTR preserved a part of the old logo in the new icon for the History Packs, which rotates numbers for each release. The icon captures the most crucial element of history—the open Bible itself. And as CTR’s new flagship products, the History Packs adopt CTR’s branded blue—formerly on the 100-image Review Pack, which now becomes red.
Curious about what’s included in the next History Packs? Click below for indexes of all card titles so far. You’ll also see their various time divisions and whether or not they were included in previous releases such as the Review, 17 Time Periods, Lord’s Supper or Drills & Themes Packs.